Global Warming

Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature. When greenhouse gases or typically, carbon dioxide, methane and CFC's are released into the air, it acts like a blanket, trapping heat in our atmosphere.

We need to reduce the heat-trapping emissions causing this effect if we are to address global warming. The human activities that contribute to global warming are the burning of fossil fuels to drive cars, generate electricity, and operate our homes and businesses. Clearing tropical forests contributes to about 20 percent of global warming emissions.

Causes of Global Warming

Carbon DioxideScientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming. Driving cars, using electrcity from coal fired power plants, or heating our homes with oil or natural gas all release carbon dioxide. Deforestration is another source, because few trees results in less carbon dioxide conversion to oxygen. These measures greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

During the 150 years of industrial age, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has increased by 31 percent. Over the same time, the level of atmospheric methane has risen by 151 percent, mostly from agricultural activities such as raising cattle.

Changes in Weather Patterns

The top 25 warmest years on record for the United States are from 1998 through 2007, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Scientists say that the earth could warm by an additional 7.2 degrees Fahrenheit during the 21st century if we fail to reduce emissions from burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil. This rise in average temperature may have far-reaching effects on the earth's climate patterns.


More powerful and dangerous hurricanes, drought, wildfires and intense rainstorms.

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